Matty Lynn Barnes is a photographer & producer based in Oakland, CA.

Her electronic mailing address is

Prints available on request.

In addition to her photo work, Matty Lynn also runs the Oakland/Los Angeles based production company Sprinkle Lab.

Queer Exposures - The Photography of Matty Lynn Barnes: Matty Lynn Barnes is a photographer based in Oakland, CA. Working primarily with film, she documents queer intimacy, sexual liberation, fashion, and resistance. She uses color and movement to capture the beauty, talent, and resilience of her community.💕 Mother, San Francisco June 2023

Articles of Interest: Radiotopia show hosted by Avery Trufelman - Project Photos

Gender& Vol. 1 (ed. 2): "Gender& is a zine that features the voices of gender-diverse people from across the United States. Contributors were asked to muse on their experiences of how their gender identity--both how their gender is read by the world and their own internal sense of themselves--connected to the rest of their life and experience." Contributing Photographer w/Era Steinfeld